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- Full Craigslist Search Tool Download Free Apps Free
It's kind of like Craigslist — but only with free stuff. To get started, create a free account and post the items you want to get rid of. Be sure to include a full description.
Craigslist is one of the most popular sites on the Internet. You can go there to buy and sell stuff, browse for houses, look for jobs, search for events, and basically do whatever you want. The website is super low tech without a bunch of ridiculous gimmicks or graphics. You can run the site on basically anything and it hasn’t changed in any meaningful way in a decade. Most Craigslist apps simply find subtly different ways tof opening the website and searching through it. Craigslist has no official mobile app at the time of this writing, although we would welcome one. Additionally, Craigslist itself doesn’t recognize these apps as authorized and that’s likely why they don’t work better than they do. We do not recommend using your login credentials on any of these apps except the web browsers.
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Craigslist Download App
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Price: Free
CLassify is a simple, minimal, no-nonsense Craigslist client. It revolves around the sales section and cuts out most of the rest of the site. You can easily shop or browse for stuff in your city and also nearby cities. There is also a function to reply using a Material Design button and we always approve of that. There isn’t much else to this one to be perfectly honest. It’s simple, free (with ads), and a decent way to browse Craigslist for stuff on sale.
CPlus for Craigslist
Price: Free / Up to $2.99
CPlus for Craigslist is one of the best looking Craigslist apps on the list. You can do most of your usual Craigslist activities, including searching for stuff with or without filters. Additionally, you can save searches, search multiple cities at once, and you can display listings in a few different ways. That adds about as much customization to Craigslist that we think you can get. You can also post ads directly from the app without too much of a problem. It’s not quite as popular as CL Mobile or Postings, but it probably should be. It’s a solid option for Craigslist users.
Craigslist (official)
Price: Free
Craigslist finally launched an official app after many, many years of waiting. This is basically Craigslist in app format. It shows every available part of the site in any city you want. Additionally, you can browse listings, create listings, find jobs, hire people, reply to ads, and even save your favorite postings for later viewing. The design is pretty good and the usability is just fine. The app had some hiccups in its early days but seems to have cleaned up its issues for the most part.
Price: Free / Up to $2.99
Postings is easily one of the most popular Craigslist apps on mobile. You can do all of the usual Craigslist stuff like search for stuff, post ads, and browse the site’s many categories and sections. It uses a gorgeous Material Design UI that adds a bit of class to the otherwise simple Craigslist experience. That includes a toolbar along the bottom for easy access to most functions, like favorites, search, and the bookmark tool. This is easily the nicest looking Craigslist app on the list and it also happens to work quite well. The free version contains advertising, but you can buy the premium version to remove them. This is the one we would recommend first.

Full Craigslist Search Tool Download Free Apps Pc
Whatever web browser you like
Price: Free (usually) Muse for you free download torrent movies.
Free Google Search App Download
Here’s the thing, folks. Craigslist isn’t a heavy website to use by any stretch. It works perfectly fine on whatever mobile browser you happened to be using these days. You don’t get some of the stuff like saving searches or stuff like that from the apps above. However, a web browser still lets you surf, search, and post ads. This isn’t an unreasonable solution for those who don’t frequent Craigslist on a consistent basis. The site is devoid of any complex graphics or code that would make it difficult or unwieldy to surf. The apps above are still better experiences overall, but those four Craigslist apps are the best, and the we would recommend just using a web browser before most of the others on Google Play. Plus, you already have a browser.
Thank you for reading! Try these app lists out too!10 best money making apps for Android
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10 best money making apps for Android
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If we missed any great Craigslist apps for Android, tell us about them in the comments! You can also click here to check out our most recent app and game lists!
Search All of Craigslist™ Cities Nationwide!
Onecraigs allows you to search all of the cities/states in the entire Craiglist website or each individual state with one query for the items you are looking to find whether it's a car/truck/motorcycle, tools and materials for your business, a new job, a house or apartment or even that boat you have been dreaming about and much more. Many times sellers are willing to ship smaller items to you if you ask (not always of course). You can just pay them through PayPal or similar. Despite shipping costs these items can still be a good value and save you time over driving across town to pick up an item. It can also be safer since you aren't exposing yourself to possible danger when meeting with a stranger for a transaction.
Full Craigslist Search Tool Download Free Apps Free
Search Craigslist by State
Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky | Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota | Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming |
Tips for Searching Craigslist
1.To find specific item, like a red convertible Mercedes-Benz you simply add quotantion marks around all of the words you want to require in your search like this - 'red convertible Mercedes-Benz'.
2.To include multiple words in one search you can use the pipe character (looks like this |). On a desktop keyboard it's above the backslash on the same key. Example; 'Mercedes | convertible'
3.If you want to exclude words from a search you can use the minus sign, for example; Mercedes convertible -black. This would result in finding all colors expect black. You can also use multiple minus, signs for example: Mercedes convertible -black -white
4.You can also group search phrases for more filtering by using parentheses for example; 'red (C Class | D Class) -2018 -2017'. This will search Craigslist for listing containing red and either C Class or D Class but will exclude 2018 and 2017
Onecraigs.com is not affiliated with Craigslist™